Posts Tagged With: spices

Feeling chilly? Make a mug of Fire Chai

If you’re in Melbourne it’s pretty certain that you’ve been feeling quite chilly lately… The sun might have been shining (mind you it’s started raining tonight) but there has been a ridiculously cold wind blowing… Right down from the snowy tops of mountains, it feels like… I do prefer cooler weather but it’s been bone-freezingly cold, especially in our house where we rely solely on passive heating (insulation, north facing windows…. You’re right, it’s not enough. I’m wearing thick socks, ugg boots, and four layers of clothing plus a hat as I type this).

But what will warm you up is a nice cup of tea, particularly if it’s a cup of our Fire Chai. This is one of our blends that I’ve been very excited to finally share with you, partly because it’s new – only popped in the shop this week – and partly because it is one of the best antidotes to this wintry weather.

Fire Chai is a combination of stimulating spices – ginger, cinnamon, cayenne and turmeric, all organic – and Australian Daintree tea, which is grown without pesticides and is naturally low in caffeine. This blend is a bit different from your general chai masala blends because it packs quite a punch. The cayenne in particular comes to the fore in the first few sips, but after that the sweeter cinnamon and deeper notes of the turmeric and ginger come through. You will absolutely feel your fingers and toes come alive after a cup of Fire Chai.

Because of the stimulating nature of the spices, opening up the peripheral circulation, it’s also a really good tea option for when you’re coming down with a cold. Take a hot bath and drink some Fire Chai and then wrap up warm to sweat things out in bed… Repeat as needed! Ginger and turmeric have well-recognized anti-inflammatory actions – and turmeric is also high in antioxidants, as is the Daintree tea – so it’s a delicious way to incorporate a bit more of these healthful spices into your life.

We recommend brewing this one with milk – dairy or coconut – to temper the heat. Generally what I do is steep a level teaspoon in a half cup of boiling water for about 5-10 minutes, then strain it into a half cup of warm milk. If that seems a bit too strong, use the same amount of tea but in one cup of water and one of milk. You can of course add honey or another sweetener if you wish! It is quite spicy, so if you’re sensitive to chilli (for example, if you have a stomach ulcer) this is not the one for you. Try our Moon Chai instead!

Keep warm friends!

Bright blessings
Verity )O(

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